Book Notes: Join Savannah Gilbo and Me as we study bestselling novels!
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Believe in Your Writing. Build Your Career.

If you want to stand the best chance at traditionally publishing your book, you need to learn how to blend passion with business. 

I'm here to coach you along the way.

Start Here

What is stopping you from writing and publishing your book?

I don't know what to write.

Team Pantser or Team Plotter, every writer benefits from some version of a book blueprint before they write.

I don't know how to revise.

Writing a book is hard—but most writing is revision. Try this if you need guidance after your first draft.

I can't get a literary agent.

The query trenches are tough—but also manageable. Learn how to tackle the submission process with confidence, and query agents who are the best match for your career.   

Writing is a life-long craft.

I want to teach you how to blend passion and business so that you can write a manuscript that gives you the best shot at being traditionally published. 


Here's How Abigail Can Help


Work with Abigail in every stage of your book—from building a story plan to revising its final draft. You'll get 1-1 attention for as long as you want.


Learn alongside a small, intimate group of writers in your genre. Abigail keeps the groups small so each writer gets 1-1 attention as well as community building opportunities. 


Do you have a finished manuscript but feel like something is off? You might be interested in a full-manuscript evaluation that looks at the big or small picture. 


Writing a book and writing a sales pitch are two different animals. Work with Abigail to prepare a submission package that gives you the best shot at hooking an agent.  


Abigail loves to speak to groups and book clubs. Book her for an hour presentation on various writing essentials. 


Inspired by her work at P.S. LiteraryAbigail interviews literary agents, editors, and authors on her podcast, LIT MATCH, to help you find (and hook) the best literary agent and business partner for your writing career.  


**Coming Soon**Do you prefer learning about writing through reading? Check out Abigail's blog for quick, practical writing tips and strategies.  


**Coming Soon**Get the visual to LIT MATCH! Watch the recorded sessions of Abigail's podcast, along with other writing lessons that give you lessons to try. 

""Abigail Perry is a talented editor who goes beyond the big picture and delves deep into the details of internal and external character motivation, three-act structure, sub plots, and so much more. She is an excellent talent spotter who can determine market readiness, and enjoys working closely with the material and client to take good ideas to the next level.""

Carly Watters
VP and Senior Literary Agent at P.S. Literary Agency

Learn how to blend business with passion!

Tune in for important publishing news and practical writing tips. Abigail's goal is always to send information and lessons to your inbox that will support your writing process and help you blend passion with business.

"Abigail not only understood my story and what I was trying to say with it right away, but she had a keen eye to identify exactly how and where I could make it stronger. Sheā€™s generous with her extensive storytelling knowledge and always finds the perfect example or explanation to make you grasp how to strengthen your writing. I always came out of our meetings energized and empowered. I look forward to working with her again!"

Leftie AubƩ
Fiction Writer

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